MzSucc3zz "21 Days" by Scott Johnson

US$64.45 US$33.56
Item number: 20

21 Days - that's all it takes to be well on your way to a new and different you, a new and different life.

Why 21 days? 

Because that is how long it takes to establish a new habit in the average person.

"21 days" is the latest teaching from Scott Johnson that offers hope if you're trying to break out of a rut... or get free of a nagging old lifestyle.

This for CD teaching series shows you how to tap into the hidden power of habits. You will learn practical biblical steps to help you break bad habits, while creating good ones.


By Scott Johnson 


MzSucc3zz Christian's CDs, & DVD's & Combo Set

Product Price
21 days By Scott Johnson US$33.56
48% off Discount Price US$64.45
Shipping US$7.50
U Save US-$30.98
CD Format
Code None
US$41.06 Final Total
Rating: 5 stars
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MzSucc3zz 21 Days by Scott Johnson

21 Days - that's all it takes to be well on your way to a new and different you, a new and different life.


Why 21 days? 


Because that is how long it takes to establish a new habit in the average person.


"21 days" is the latest teaching from Scott Johnson that offers hope if you're trying to break out of a rut... or get free of a nagging old lifestyle.


This for CD teaching series shows you how to tap into the hidden power of habits. You will learn practical biblical steps to help you break bad habits, while creating good ones.




By Scott Johnson 




MzSucc3zz Christian's CDs, & DVD's & Combo Set

Details Description

21 Days - that's all it takes to be well on your way to a new and different you, a new and different life.


Why 21 days? 


Because that is how long it takes to establish a new habit in the average person.


"21 days" is the latest teaching from Scott Johnson that offers hope if you're trying to break out of a rut... or get free of a nagging old lifestyle.


This for CD teaching series shows you how to tap into the hidden power of habits. You will learn practical biblical steps to help you break bad habits, while creating good ones.


"21 Days" also take you through the step by step process of turning your beliefs into right thoughts - which, in turn, can be lived out as right behavior


So - go ahead and take your pick -( 3)weeks.. 21 days...or 504 hours.


It all adds up to a fresh start to a new life.


Format CD 


CD title included 


I Am Habit


The Habit Makes You 


Discover the Lie and You'll Break the Habit 


An Ordinary or A Copy?


Now experience the power of possibility!


By Scott Johnson 


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