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MzSucc3zz OPEN DOORS Your chance for increase By TD Jakes

MzSucc3zz OPEN DOORS Your chance for increase By TD Jakes


DVD Open Doors: Your Chance For Increase (3 DVD Set)

MzSucc3zz Christian's CDs, & DVD's & Combo Set


Product Details

Current Title Open Doors Your chance for increase 

Date published::

01 Apr 2015


The Potters House of Dallas Inc

Subjects: DVD - Teaching

Category: DVD - Teaching

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Details, Description, SPECIFICATIONS, & Overview


Your chance for increase By TD Jakes

❤️Product Details

Author TD Jakes 

Current Title


Date published:

01 Apr 2015



The Potters House of Dallas Inc




DVD - Teaching




DVD - Teaching


DVD Open Doors: Your Chance For Increase (3 DVD Set)


❤️ Overview 

Are you seizing your opportunities or are you hiding your talent? Whether they know it nor not, too many Believers have yet to experience the increase that God has in store for them. That's because increase only happens when you have learned to discern the opportunities that God has created. God has blessed you with unique talents, gifts and abilities, but it's only when you've learned what to do with those abilities that you will see an increase.


In Open Doors, you will learn how to identify and seize your God-given opportunity for increase. This is a truth that can literally change the direction of your life. Learn why Bishop Jakes has called this perhaps his most important message for Bible-believing Christians. It's time to stop surviving and start excelling!


Messages are:

Insight to Increase

This is the Place

God Stopped It


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